University of Alicante

University of Alicante ES · VAL · EN
ICT and Robotics




Technological Offers
Healthy smoking! Machine for making filters that reduce the inhalation of nicotine, tars and toxic compounds in tobacco smoke
See complete file
Acid-base electrochemical flow battery (ABEFB)
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Polyurethane adhesives with enhanced adhesion and mechanical properties due to the addition of very small amounts of graphenic carbon materials
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Smart polyurethane pressure-sensitive adhesive with controlled tack
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Asesoramiento y Consultoría en Ingeniería Hidráulica y Tecnologías del Medio Ambiente
See complete file
3D-printed patient-adaptive pelvic seat
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Auditoría de rendimiento en Redes IP
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Automatización y robotización de procesos
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Microneedle biosensor and remote monitoring system for hormone treatment
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Catalyst for nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduction in diesel engine exhausts
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Composites cementicios conductores con nanofibras de carbono aplicable en la calefacción de pavimentos y edificios
See complete file
Low energy Wi-Fi® communications for the IoT in a wide area
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Automatic component disassembling for dismantling and recycling systems.
See complete file
Diagnóstico de alteraciones de la visión del color. Software de simulación de visión y optimización de diseños
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Difusión de información a un número ilimitado de dispositivos mediante tecnología Wi-Fi®
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Dispositivo automático para la documentación fotogramétrica
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Backpack clamping device obtained by means of 3D printing
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Mobile device for real-time license plate recognition without Internet connection
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Dispositivo para la monitorización del esfuerzo durante la escalada
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Dispositivo para tapar cámaras integradas en computadoras y teléfonos móviles
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Eliminación de brillos en fotografías
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Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje Cooperativo (EVAC)
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Active packaging made from agri-food waste
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Automatic equipment for mass production of filters that remove more than 60% of toxic compounds from tobacco smoke
See complete file
3D-Printed robotic hand exoskeleton
See complete file
Tar and toxic compound reducing filters in tobacco smoke from a fibrous rod
See complete file
3D printed flute for one-handed playing
See complete file
GAIA. Sistema de regeneración de nodos
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Multimedia location system for routes on foot
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Software tool and method for modelling device-independent web applications
See complete file
Prototyping tool for inspection and failure detection in reflective surfaces
See complete file
Wind flow Interface concentrator for VAWT
See complete file
Innovadores métodos de construcción de bóvedas sin utilización de cimbras
See complete file
Visual inspection for a quality production
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Know-how en Ciencia y Tecnología del color, y, Percepción y Ergonomía Visual
See complete file
Know-how en computación de altas prestaciones y paralelismo
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Know-how in domotics and intelligent environments
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Know-how en síntesis de audio 3D mediante WFS (Wave Field Synthesis) en altavoces de modo distribuido.
See complete file
Know-how en visión robótica para biometría, vigilancia y mapeado 3D
See complete file
Know-how y laboratorios para el análisis de estructuras
See complete file
Lanzadera aérea para personas con movilidad reducida
See complete file
Solid-state laser with COPV as active compound
See complete file
3D printed functional rehabilitation handle
See complete file
Environmentally friendly holographic recording material
See complete file
Método numérico para la simulación de audio
See complete file
MicroC@MPUS® . A Web-based educational environment
See complete file
Novel 3D-printed crutch pick-up device
See complete file
Novel photobioreactor for mass cultivation of microalgae
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Novedoso sillín para bicicleta que evita rozaduras, dolores y otras lesiones asociadas
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New holographic lenses for augmented reality applications
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New bioreactor for growing plant cell culture in suspension
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New procedure for the elimination of printed ink from plastic film
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New continuous process for the manufacturing, dosing and packaging of `Jijona Turron'
See complete file
Aerial obstacle detection software for the visually impaired
See complete file
Ceramic thermal conditioning panel
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Panel-cerramiento cerámico industrializado fácil montaje para el acondicionamiento térmico
See complete file
Plug-in para la simulación de sonido 3D con técnicas WFS
See complete file
Procedimiento para la ejecución de túneles en obra civil mediante el empleo de la Galería de Sacrificio
See complete file
Human Language Technologies for the retrieval, classification, extraction, analysis and generation of documentary information and social web
See complete file
System for inspection and failure detection in chrome-plated surfaces
See complete file
Realidad virtual y aumentada 3D
See complete file
Low cost sensors for the detection of gaseous hydrogen
See complete file
Simulador para entrenamiento en intervenciones sanitarias y de rescate
See complete file
3D printed customisable vascular simulator
See complete file
Innovative unattended presence control system for workers
See complete file
Sistema automático para el control de calidad en el sector textil
See complete file
Compact system for domestic wastewater treatment
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Low cost system for measuring vibrations through cameras
See complete file
Sistema de control de aforo de personas empleando smartphones Android
See complete file
Machine-to-Cloud Management System of Distributed Heterogeneous Devices
See complete file
Biometric identification system based on eye blinking
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Intelligent and sustainable urban lighting system
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Electronic payment system by presence
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Adjustable Compression Method for Digital Images
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Seismic-noise recording system with real-time data visualisation
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Wireless parking space control system for people with reduced mobility
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Intelligent power distribution system
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Sistema para la monitorización y gestión de plantas de energía solar
See complete file
System for a customized and natural rehabilitation and interaction of disabled people
See complete file
Sistema y Método de Gestión Integral de Transacciones Comerciales en Arquitecturas Cloud Computing
See complete file
Sistemas de protección para trabajos de construcción sobre superficies inclinadas
See complete file
Software para el apoyo en la docencia de Traducción e Interpretación
See complete file
Software para la cuantificación automática y objetiva de la opacidad en la lente intraocular
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Cloud System for Electronic Receipt Management
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Technology for locating injured people in areas without mobile phone coverage
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Telemanipulación de Robots y equipos industriales a través de Internet
See complete file
"No-Noble-Metal" Catalytic trap to remove Hydrocarbons, NOx and CO emissions from combustion engines
See complete file
Urban Big Data - Study of urban and economic phenomena by means of geolocalised data from Social Networks
See complete file
Autonomous vehicles for transport of materials in warehouse
See complete file
Videojuego para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa intercultural en la enseñanza del inglés de los negocios
See complete file

Carretera San Vicente del Raspeig s/n - 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig - Alicante
Tel.: (+34) 965 90 9959

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